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Champagne Françoise BEDEL & Fils, owner-producer from the Marne Valley, cultivates 8,40 hectares (20,75 acres) of 20-60 year old vines.

The variety of our vineyard's sub-soils permit us to create different bleds from each terroir.  These different organic cuvées are the tangible manifestation of stringent practices that bring out and intensify the qualities and distinguishing characteristics of our terroir.

The passion we share for nature and plants, and our desire to transmit healthy and productive land to future generations, have led us to cultivate the entirety  of our vineward with Bio-dynamic methods since 1998.


                                                                                                        Champagne Françoise BEDEL & Fils

" We do not inherit this

land from our

ancestors. We borrow

it from our children."


(Antoine de Saint Exupéry)











                                                                                                                                                                                     We are in constant pursuit of harmony and balance for both vines and grapes.


The bio-dynamic methods we use encourage exchanges between the soil and the vine's root system, thereby giving our grapes the oportunity to express the true essence of their particular terroir.

We produce our own compost on the property.

Champagne BEDEL & Fils (Crouttes-sur-Marne)



As the reward of the specific way in which we grow our wines, our aim is to produce Champagne of impeccable quality with its own individual charactéristics that stem from the unique elements making up the terroir of each of our vineyard's parcels.



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Champagne Françoise BEDEL & Fils - 71 grande Rue - 02310 CROUTTES-SUR-MARNE - FRANCE
Tél. : +00 33 (0)3 23 821 580 - Fax. : +00 33 (0)3 23 821 149 - Tva. : FR80419738067 - RCS : 419738067

© 2003-2025 Champagne Françoise BEDEL & Fils - Maître d'œuvre enovanet - Moteur eChampagne - 1 visiteur connecté.

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