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Legal mentions


Law N°2004-275 for Confidence in the Digital economy.


Champagne Françoise BEDEL
71 grande Rue

Phone : +00 33 (0)3 23 821 580

Serial Number : 41973806700018
TVA Number : FR80419738067

Director of the publication : Mme. Françoise BEDEL

Development / Programming


4 place des Etats-Unis - 02400 CHATEAU-THIERRY
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Host : OVH - 140 quai Sartel - 59000 ROUBAIX (Tél. : 0899 701 761)



Internet site Champagne Françoise BEDEL endeavors to ensure the exactitude and the update of the information disseminated on this site, and reserves the right to modify, constantly and without notice, the contents or the presentation of this site.

Internet site Champagne Françoise BEDEL which cannot guarantee exhaustiveness, or the absence of modification by a third (intrusion, or virus) of information contained on this site, it will not be in any manner responsible for exactitude, the absence of errors, or the character not counterfeiting of the contained informations on this site.

Any person eager to get one of the services presented on the site will have to contact Champagne Françoise BEDEL in order to get informed about the availability of the service, as well as contractual conditions and applicable tariffs..

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You can exert this right while writing intended for Champagne Françoise BEDEL head office or, if necessary, by sending e-mail to the following address:


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The reproduction or representation, integral or partial, of the pages, the data and any other component to the site, by some process or support that it is, are prohibited and constitute without authorization express and Champagne Françoise BEDEL precondition a counterfeit sanctioned by the L335-2 articles and following of the Code of Intellectual property.

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Jurisdiction ratione loci

The contents of the site are fixed with the French right. Any user recognizes the competence of the bankruptcy court of Soissons for all that relates to the contents and the use of the site Champagne Françoise BEDEL or the recourse while rising.


Mise à jour le 07/06/2017
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Champagne Françoise BEDEL - 71 grande Rue - 02310 CROUTTES-SUR-MARNE
Tél. : +00 33 (0)3 23 821 580 - Fax. : +00 33 (0)3 23 821 149 - Tva. : FR80419738067 - RCS : 41973806700018

© 2003-2025 Champagne Françoise BEDEL - Maître d'œuvre enovanet - Moteur eChampagne - 13 visiteurs connectés.

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